Friday, December 24, 2010

Darker Than Ink...

So I did at one point say that I was going to update and tell you all a little bit about the NaNoWriMo that I did this year. I used the Arcanum Universe again just like last year, only this time, instead of writing about Gotterdamerung, this year I wrote about the Black Tattoo also known as "The Scythe". Here is a preview of the story of "Darker Than Ink":

Darker than Ink


Chester's day was not going well. He had lost the small amount of change he was going to use for the soda machine and now he was down on carbonated caffeine high that he was due at this time of night. Working the overnight shift was always hard on him, but he looked forward to getting the secondary boost of energy that was due to him about this time of night. He stuffed a hand into his pocket and then pulled out a single wrinkled dollar. Just his luck, no change and a crumpled dollar and here at the Lab, he had the one machine that only took change.

Chester looked at the watch on his wrist. It was two in the morning. He really needed a soda. He thought about it and then he realized that there was another soda machine, but it was all the way across the campus, so there was no way that he was going all the way there. He stopped and thought about it for a moment and then he remembered that there was another machine only another building away. He smiled to himself when he remembered that the machine there took dollar bills.

He happily smiled at himself and then began to walk towards the second building. He walked down the hallway and then made his way to the door. He checked the hallway behind him and saw no one and then opened the door. He double checked it to make sure that it wouldn't lock when he closed it behind him and then opened the door and then walked towards the next building.

The air outside was brisk and the wind was blowing. Chester was more than sure that it was below freezing outside. The air was so cold that even his shirt seemed to hurt and the hair on the back of his neck stood up on end. The sky was partially cloudy and the moon was fairly non-descript. It was a normal night and Chester was more than willing to let it go. He continued to walk towards the other building when he thought for a moment that the sky darkened. He looked up and noticed that the clouds in the sky were moving really fast.

He made it to the next side of the small commons area and then reached the door. he tried to open the door and then realized that the door was locked. He jerked at the door handle a couple of times and then cursed. He remembered that at this time, they tended to lock the other halls even if the Labs were kept open twenty four hours a day.

He frowned and then turned around and was about to make his way across the commons again back to the lab when he once again thought he saw the shadow across the sky. When he looked up however, he saw that there were no other clouds in the sky close enough to the moon to cover it. He looked around to see if he could see the shadow. Over the sky, there was another showed in the sky. After that it vanished and then another dark shape crossed across the sky. At that, Chester bolted for the Lab buildings. As he ran, he could hear his heart beat in his chest, thumping like a sledgehammer.

He slammed into the lab building and tried to open the door. The door however remained locked. Chester cursed and then slammed his fist against the door. He jerked on the handle again and the door remained stuck. He cursed and then fumbled in his pockets. Looking at the door he saw that the security lock was on. He continued to fumble with his pockets and then realized that he had left his security badge on the table next to the computer. He kicked the door in frustration.

Chester heard another sound and then he heard a sound behind him and then he turned. He looked around and saw a dark shape loom up in front of him. He was about to say something and then the shape leaned in on him. There was a split second before Billy saw nothing but black.

Saturday, December 18, 2010

December is here?

Is it December already? I am terribly sorry. I got a little lost after NaNoWriMo, I'll be honest. I was lost in the rewrites that were a part of my Latest NaNoWriMo novel "Darker than Ink". December is usually a month where after I have hankered down in November to type over 50k words, I now try to revise it, add to it and make sure it all makes sense. I call it revisional December. However, the other thing that happens in December is the cool and yet delusional part of the year where all is covered in snow, and sugar plums and Shoping, Shoping, Shoping! I have to shop to death.

No really, what I really wanted to say was that I am supposed to write a smal parable of teh season. This years is going to be a satire on cookie baking. I will post it sometime around Sunday night or Monday. I'm sorry that this post is so short at teh moment, but I am secretly at work.

Cookies will be known as god, and women wil aplaud what I shall be naming this year's Christmas Satire as "Baking Wars"... look forward to it.