Friday, May 16, 2008

A little trick...

So I woke up this morning on my day off and wrote something completely random. Figured I would share it with you all.

It was a bright morning and he skies were relatively clear. The wind was scarce, and thankfully cool when it blew. There was more than enough time to stop and smell the afternoon smells from the Market hub floating upwards. Which was exactly what Lady Stephanie Paladin was supposed to do this early in the morning. This however, was not to be the case for the distinguished book store owner.

Instead, the Lady Paladin had fallen asleep in her chair in her study. She woke up to face the sun coming from her window and then faced her desk. There upon her desk was several tomes. They were all labeled "Adventures of a Blind Bard" and they were all complete and utter total drivel. She hated having to read through them for authenticity, but it was her job. She yawned and noted the page she was on and then closed the book she was looking at.

She shifted at the bodice that she was wearing. She hated wearing them, but every lady of high standing had to wear one. She paused only for a moment to readjust it, but there wasn't enough time at that moment. There was a stately knock at the door and a voice floated in, rather prim. "Lady Paladin, is it alright to come in? Are you awake?" To the untrained ear, the voice sounded slightly timid, but she recognized it as the command that it was.

"Yes Christianna. I am indeed up." She yawned and at that moment, the door handle turned downwards and then the door swung open and Christianna bustled in. Her dress swished quietly around her wide hips and Stephanie was secretly pleased to see that she was not wearing that ridiculous petticoat that was now in style. Christianna was very much into the old fashioned and practical style. What she wore was always practical, and always impressively done in shades and colors that matched perfectly.

Christianna walked toward and placed the stack in her hand on the desktop next to the books that were already open and then she sashayed her way to the windows and threw open the curtains,letting massive amounts of sunlight.

"The day is already starting and you are sleeping it away. You should be opening the shop and you should also have read the "Tower Paper". I have all of them there on your desk. I also brought out and up the other papers from the outlying settlements and you should be happy that I have done so. The streets are already hustling and your delivery from Skalockesly is here as well."

Christianna shook her head and then tied the curtains back and opened the glass windows and then turned on her mistress. "Six crates of books are now here. All of them waiting to be researched and checked for authenticity."

Stephanie groaned and then stood up from her chair and stretched. "Alright, well, I guess we should open the shop and get to work immediately then; is that what you are trying to say?"

Christianna shook her head grimly and then frowned. "Not at all. The Lord and Lady Penrose are downstairs awaiting you and your personage, as well as an explanation why the Jeffrey Collection isn't done." Christianna had already began to make herself useful in lighting a fire in the fireplace as Stephanie jumped out of her chair.

"The Penrose's are here? Why didn't you tell me?"

"I just did."

Stephanie huffed and frowned. "I am not even ready."

Christianna shrugged and then said, "It's all right. You should though, perhaps go and get ready. The smith was here earlier and he repaired the copper piping on the showers. Quickly Lady, or I will have to feed them sandwiches and tea till they burst." She giggled a little and then moved to straighten the desk. She began to pile the papers and the books in proper order atop the old fashioned roll-top.

Stephanie nodded her head and then turned to go towards her rooms in the shop. She ran up the small staircase to her own private room. There, she rushed past her wardrobe and her divan and ran straight for her bathroom. as she ran towards there, she tugged at the laces of her bodice and turned the three handles that were in the shower. The copper pipes rattled and then shook and the needle on the side of the pressure gauge. After that, she could hear the water through the pipes and then the water shot out of the shower head.

She stripped her long skirt off and then stepped into the large copper tub after under the cascade of water. After showering, she put on a new dress that had just been sent to her from the dress maker. The trail was proceeded by purple and the corset was not tight at all and had a zipper hidden on the side of it and made it easier to get into, but still looked as if it had been tied from the back.

She smoothed the front of her bustle out and then prepared to go see the Penrose's. She wandered through the thick door of her room and then walked back towards the parlor that she kept in the back. She stopped in front of the door and then took a deep breath and opened it to see the Lord and Lady Penrose.

Thursday, May 15, 2008

Site Update

Dear lord. It was a little tough there for a moment. My work schedule's changed a little, so this Wednesday's update is late, I'm typing this now and I am really sorry that it is so late (It's Thursday, I know), but I have updated the site. I put in two new chapters to the story of "Oracle Light-Touched". Think of it as a small gift for being late. I'm a little behind on Amaretto. I know there's no real story, but the scanner for Grain 11 is being really mean and just not working.

So there is that, and you should enjoy then non? I'll give you some more information later. For now here are the two chapters:

Oracle Chapter 5
Oracle Chapter 6

Have fun.
~ Sean

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Site Update! (5/7/08)

YAY! An Update!

Yes, well, today I have put in the 10th grain of Amaretto's Tale. Great isn't it? You can read that one here:

Grain 9

You know what else I did? I updated the book log something fierce. There is a lot more books that I have reviewed, and a lot more to come as well. I've read a lot, though it does kinda take some time to get the information on some of them. *L*

Now you must be wondering why the update day changed again. That would be due to work. I update whenever I have a day off of work, because typing HTML code takes some time. I did however crate a template which should make updating easier.

Anyway, I have to go get ready... I hope to hear from all who like it!


Friday, May 2, 2008

Site Update! Late ~5/2/08

Sorry. Work got the best of me the past few days, so the update was a few days behind, however, to make it up to you, I have created two more additions on the site. Stories that were added to:

The Judge Part 2

The White Widow Part 3

As for the "Tale of Amaretto" Expect a big update on it next week, I gave it a slight break and I also have the scanner working! So expect a lot from her and her tale, soon we'll be jumping again, and also, the Tenth Muse story will be kicking off and another addition that I have been tirelessly working on because it was amusing and it will fall under the heading "Have Spells - Will Travel" Interesting title, but it should be fun. Ten points if you can tell me where the title initiated from.
Well I am off to write some more.

~ Sean