Thursday, April 29, 2010

Thursday Ramble

A bit of the randmness yet again. I have nothing really to say today, but I sure love this idea.

Read while you Walk... no matter what the book

If I did this, I don't think I would ever look where I was going ever again. Though the clunking of the whole thing might annoy me after a while.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Spectacular Tuesdays!!

All right, so I got myself a copy of a book because it had a pretty cover. I will admit that I am totally a sucker for that kind if thing. often times I don't even know what the book is about until I get home. Such was the case with this book called "Incarceron". Silly silly me, I didn't realize that the book was a young adult book.

That however, did not matter as I could not put it down. Let me give you the premise really quickly. Incarceron is the name of a prison, in which many people struggle to survive. The vast prison, made of metal and cutting-edge technology, had a secret however and a fabulous secret at that. It was designed as a grand experiment: all undesirables would be sealed inside and given everything for a model utopia. But the experiment failed as Incarceron grew self-aware and tyrannical, resources dwindled, and prisoners divided into factions.

Centuries passed and soon the prisoners existed under Incarceron’s watchful eyes with a single belief to hold onto: no one from Outside enters, no one from Inside escapes. Finn, a young boy from the Inside, believes he is really from Outside, and after he finds a crystal key that is able to open any door, he embarks on a journey to escape. Outside of Incarceron, Claudia, who is the daughter of Incarceron's Warden, is also looking for escape, from an arranged marriage and from her role in a scheme to end Protocol, an archaic set of laws which forces everyone to live according to seventeenth-century norms, even if they are more advanced. When she also finds a crystal key, she comes into communication with Finn.

It is here that i will end with the synopsis. I don't want to spoil the fun of this book, but it is a fantastic read. I'll be honest, I picked it up because i thought that it had a pretty cover. Instead I discovered the vast world that was within the book. It was a little slow in the beginning, but then, the prison is a perpetual threat and actually becomes a character in the storyline between Finn and Claudia. Even though both of them are trapped in their own perspective prisons of life, Incarceron itself becomes a character whose own problems become the other character's problems as well.

When I got to the end of the book, I was shocked by the ending. I also realized that the story had been left open and it was in fact preparing for a sequel. Imagine my happiness when I discovered (much to my happiness, that there was in fact a second book in the works! This here is the book that I am speaking of.

I talk too much. Check it out.

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Just doing some testing

So I discovered that there is apparently a new Jump break and I've have been sitting here doing antiquated stuff. Just testing the break feature:

Is it working?

I'm trying again... Seriously?

So i think this is working just fine, I figured out how to do the whole read more and everything. Iwill start teh new plans on Monday! Yay!

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Thursday Randomness

So sometimes, you come across stories and there is just amazement when you read it. this one is really amazing. I think that any kid who writes a short story and then uses it in the manner that he does.

9 Year old Pays for own Heart Transplant

I still think it is amazing.

Monday, April 12, 2010

New Schedual

So now we have a new schedual. The schedual is as follows:

Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays there will be an update for the adventures of Amaretto. Those will be updated on the appropriate blog, linkage on the left.

Tuesday is when all new books come out. By this time, I like to do a book review on a book I have just finished. Tuesday is book review day.

Thursday is going to be my Wild Card day. I'll probobly ramble on Thursday and talk about whatever. Really it will depend on my mood.

Friday is a little of a grab bag day. I will add random stuff here and there as well writing in the Hourglass blog.

Other than that, I have nothig more. In the meantime, I must get to work now. I shall tap in later then.

Friday, April 2, 2010

A Little bit of Madness...

So I have to admit, that sometimes I am a complete geek. Today is one of those days were I must say that the geekdom of my life took over and I laughed really hard.

As you all know, I am a geek of epic proportions and occasionally like to indulge in a little D&D. , also known as Dungeons and Dragons. A friend sent me a great link that I am leaving here. Here is the link:

The 8 Most common ways to Die...

I hope that all of you enjoy this little bit of funny!

I am also going to institute a new schedual that I need to adhear to and will tell you more about within the next two days. In the meantime, please make sure to also check out the other blog that I have. The grains are updated as quick as Amaretto gets me the logs.