Monday, February 14, 2011

A Little Hectic...

Hello all. Actually. this is the first time I have been able to post since last monday! Work has been unbelievably hectic, and to make matters even more complicated, a lot has been going on in our personal life too. One of our dear friends, Grundy, is entering the Army as a 65 Whisky (that's a madic to all of you, including me, who had no idea what it was). He ships Tuesday morning. So we have been seeing as much os him as posible as we can because we will not see him till August... the end of even! So, sadly, without any notice to all of you, i was on a weeklong hiatus. I however, did continue to write durrign my Hiatus and will have a new Grain up for all of you tomorrow. It will be an extra long one too, which includes last tuesday and Thursday's grains as well as revealing who Mother Chime really is!

Look forward to it, and as a small happiness, here is a great little article on The Great Gatsby... as a video Game.

What if... The Great Gatsby as a Video Game...

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Fired... from what?

All right, so I will admit, that I am not always on top of things as I should be. I will also admit that not everything is necessarily my cup of tea. As much as I would like to, I cannot read every book in the world. As much as I would like to or want to, there is simply not enough time and it is not feasible, even if I do try to read anywhere from two to twenty books in a week depending on how busy I am. There are times though, when I take the advice of someone close to me and take a chance on something that I never thought that I would originally. Let me explain:

My mother is a fan of the strange and the weird on television. She likes watching things that are secretly ou tof the norm. For a very long time, she would love to watch The Jerry Springer Show, as it was almost a guilty pleasure. That was how she referred to it, a "Guilty Pleasure". Now, she still likes shows like that. These shows are what television puts out, that no body would normally accuse her or even be greatly surprised that she watches. One such show was The Vampire Diaries.

Imagine my surprise when I recognize the titles. A set of stories written for young adults which is about (I bet you can't guess), Vampires. These stories however are what some of the customers at the bookstore I used to work at like to refer to as "The original Bella and Edward". This story had more twists and turns than a back road in the middle of the night. Many people would ask for the books, but I had never laid a hand on them. After watching simply one show with my mother, where one of my favorite words was used, I had to read the books. In case you were wondering what word it was that spurned me onwards to want to read these novels was; it was doppelganger.

So I quickly picked up the first few books in omnibus form and began to read. I read and read and read and soon I was at the end of the current writings and heart and soul were demanding more! I however, like everyone else, had to wait patiently while L.J. Smith was writing the next one. Imagine my surprise, when I open my email and find that she would no longer be writing them. It was almost as harsh on my heart as when I discovered that Melanie Rawn might not be writing the third book in her Exiles series.

I quickly was directed to this article in which I was almost in tears. How on earth can a publisher fire an author from her won work?! I quickly, after a little more reading, was told of how HarperCollins retained the rights to the books as intellectual property rather than that of L.J. Smith. I was a little surprised as I was always under the assumption that it would always be the other way around. Needless to say though, I hope that the new writer will live up to our expectations whomever they may be.

Monday, February 7, 2011

Of Mice and Men...

I remember when I was younger, that I stumbled across a book which on the cover had a small picture of an abby cloister. Above that cloister, written in oldstyle gothic blue letters were the following words:

"It was the Start of the Summer of the Late Rose, Mossflower Country Shimmered..."

On the bottom right hand corner, a fat mouse in a habbit stood holdin a sword, and sectioned off above him in the top right was what appeared to be a large rat with a helmet on. I would soon learn to call these places and characters by beloved names, Redwall Abby, Matthias, and Cluny the Scourage. This adventures, with characters that were animorphically different from me and the people I knew and yet so similar were the work of the imagination of one man known as Brian Jacques.

Mr. Jacques wrote 22 novels that took place in the Country of Mossflower, and has toched many of us at one time or another with his style of writing and storytelling that brings our imaginations to imerse ourselves and enjoy the otters, the hares, the mice, and yes, even the badgers. He taught us that no creature is too small for its own destiny and that sometimes, even a mousemaid can be theheroine of the lot.

Some of my favorite Books in the series are the ones early on, lke Mossflower, Mattimeo, and of course, Mariel of Redwall. However, there are other book sin this series that have also made an Impact on me like The Bellmaker, and of course Salamandastron. These books were a cornerstone of my own life and in thus, have made an impact on the way I think and also on the way that I write. It is with a heavy heart however that I say that Mr. Brian Jacques died this past Saturday, on 5 February 2011, of a heart attack.

We will greatly miss you.

Sunday, February 6, 2011

A New set of Time Travel and the Theories of Quantum Physics

So as we all know, Amaretto's Tale, is a tale of time travel, both through dimensions and time as well. The theories of Time and space are all about things like Einstein's Theory of Relativity. As we all know, in the beginning Einstein's theory is mentioned. If you wish to understand this theory a little better as a part of time travel there is a YouTube video you could watch which was part of TLC's show about it. That movie is here.

The other thing that is needed apparently in time travel is wormholes. The Youtube video here explains how wormhole physics could possibly have something to do with time travel as well as dimensional travel.

As a bit of random, here is something else that pertains to dimensional travel. It is called a Teseract, only this one is a five dimensional cube. See this bit of porn for nerds here.

Another thing to look at is the BBC's television show called Horizons; the episode was about Parallel Universes. For the first part go here:

Horizons - Parallel Universes Part 1

The other parts are available on YouTube as well.

Another thing to look at would be how particles can be quantum entangled. See the article on it here:

Quantum Entanglement

Something that has been bothering me though. I must insist that somewhere along the way, Parallel Universes are something that is a very interesting subject. One of the things that are a little different are alternate histories. Alternate histories can be caused by paradoxes. Paradoxes are a strange occurrence.

With a paradox in a universal world, the old time line remains unchanged, with the time traveler or information sent simply having vanished, never to return. A difficulty with this explanation, however, is that conservation of mass-energy would be violated for the origin timeline and the destination timeline. A possible solution to this is to have the mechanics of time travel require that mass-energy be exchanged in precise balance between past and future at the moment of travel, or to simply expand the scope of the conservation law to encompass all timelines. [Wikipedia]

Even still, this does make an interesting concept. Perhaps we will talk on it later. For now, I should probably go to sleep. Goodnight all.

Saturday, February 5, 2011


So back in 2004, I came up with a fabulous idea... and then I scrapped it. In 2007 I found the idea, written on the back of some notes that I had taken in a Psychology class. I was cleaning out my filing cabinet when I found the idea. I fleshed it out a little and in January, I wrote the second part of a story called Reliquary. I will say, no one really responded to it, so I put it to the side, and instead, came up with an alternate universe of where entirely different things were occuring and gave up on the story of Reliquary as a short story disaster.

Well recently, because of Amaretto's Tale, I have found the need to at least finish this short tale of disaster because of... artistic endevors. Now this tale is not going to be listed in the other blogs, rather, but instead shall be here. So if you wish to familiarize yourself with teh other entries, by all means the links are as follows:

Reliquary - Part 1
Reliquary - Part 2

After reading those, might I suggest the following which is the Third instalment of this tragically short, left-on-the-wayside tale:

The girl brushed a stray brown hair out of her face and looked at the man. "Well at least we got somewhere," she responded quietly.

The man, who had crossed his arms reached out and gripped the girl by the shoulders. "You mean you didn't know where it would take us?" Amazement, wonderment, surprise, and anger all flitted in the man's face in a flurry of emotions. It appeared to Denis that the man was constipated.

"Well I knew it would take us somewhere, I just didn't know quite where..."

"You could have dropped us right in the middle of the ocean floor though! I thought you knew where this would take us!"

"Theoretically, yes. Virtually... no..."

Denis looked dejectedly at the now scattered mysteries and shook his head. He needed a break. He took the opportunity to but into the conversation and then say in a rather loud voice, "You two broke in through the back! I hope that you plan on paying for that door because no one ever uses it!" He turned around to head towards the cashier and spoke as he continued walking. "I'm calling the cops right now. I've never seen you here before, but you better not run, I have a very good memory as to what people look like!"

As he walked towards the phone he heard something being muttered and he suddenly stuck fast to the floor. He tried to move forward, but nothing his feet refused to propel him forward. It was as if he was a fly trapped in flypaper, only the brown carpet beneath him was not sticky at all.

“Hey! What did you do to me!” Denis swiveled as best as he could at the waist to look back at the two people who were now crowding out the romance and mystery section of the store. The girl ignored him and pulled on a long golden chain that was around her neck to look at something that looked like an hourglass. The lumberjack man looked at him and then snarled in response, “Shut yer mouth. No one asked for your opinion in this matter."

Denis was shocked and then all he threw up his hands in shock and fury. "You let me go this instant or I swear when I get the cops here, I'm gonna let them have you!"

The large man chuckled and then snorted. "I don't think that you are going to let anyone have anything there. Just be quiet and sit there." The girl was quickly smoothing out her dress, which seemed more like a slip than anything else. Denis all but shrieked as he opened his mouth and yelled. The girl put her hands over her ears.

"Please stop screaming, it's unbecoming." The girl actually sounded like she was offended.

"Then let me go!" Denis turned furious eyes on the girl who slowly walked to where he was and then shrugged her shoulders. She muttered something under her breath that sounded more like someone fast forwarding a tape than anything else. Denis snapped his mouth shut as he tried to listen to her, but it was impossible. Suddenly Denis tipped over and fell onto the floor in a rather untidy heap. The large man looked around and then poked at the bins.

"Comic books then. What kind of place is this?"

Denis pulled himself up off of the floor and growled. "It's a used book store. We also sell comic books." The man snorted in response. The girl fiddled with the hourglass necklace and frowned again. She looked up and motioned to the large man who came over to where she was.

"The hourglass was supposed to take us to the place where we were supposed to find the next bearer. The only person I see is this man though."

The tall man in the flannel looked at Denis and then rolled his eyes. "You have a point there m'lady. There is no way it could be him. I mean if it was, then we would have some serious problems."

Denis frowned as he brushed dust off of his shirt. He knew he would have to vacuum the carpeted floor before he left that night. The carpets were pretty dirty. He suddenly caught himself in what he was thinking and whirled on the two intruders. "All right then, you two had better be prepared to pay for that back door." Denis began to walk towards the phone once more, but he stopped dead in his tracks when the cowbell above the door rang once more. Denis froze in mid-step and stared at the door. The big man turned slowly around as the girl managed to peak around him.

There in the doorway, a young boy huffed and puffed for breath. Behind him, dressed in a thick coat and also gasping, was an even younger girl. The boy looked up through mussed red hair and long bangs and while gasping for breath said, "We arrived... as soon as... we possibly... could!" The boy continued to pant and the girl was too busy trying to catch her breath to say anything.

“Chris? What are you doing here?” Drew frowned at the boy as he tried to catch his breath.

“I'm... so... sorry,” Chris gasped. He pointed towards he back room and then finally having caught his breath said, “Edie left a note for people if this happened not on her watch. It's on the shelf on the back wall, on top of the books.” The girl with the lumberjack tapped her foot and Chris' sister, Sarah, was hiding behind him and had also caught her breath. Denis frowned and then shrugged his shoulders and walked back to where the “office” was.

Hole in the Wall was laid out as if someone had lived there at one time and the patio area had been converted to the front entrance and the register area as well as where they kept the anthologies. Right before that there was a sliding glass door and a small inset where a crowded desk and chair sat; the office. On the back wall, the oldest books that Edie kept in the store were stored. On top of the books, a small white envelope that Denis had never noticed was siting collecting dust. Drew stood on top of the ancient chair and grabbed the envelope.

Walking back to the magazine racks, he opened the envelope and then read what was written in Edie's elegant script:


I am so terribly sorry that I did not inform you before hand, but the curtain in the back is really important. Besides simply preventing the basement from causing a draft in the store (not very well I might add), it is also a portal pit stop. Do not ask how, but I can explain why. My husband saw it, bought it from a strange man (I think it was the gypsies down the street, damn them) and used it. Usually people only come though on the weekends, which is why I work, but just in case someone comes on a weekday, let them do their thing; don't bother them, they won't bother you. You can also let them use the bathroom if you need to. If a man comes through asking for a book called “Alefile's Alchemy”, we do not have it in stock and probably never will.

Thank you,


P.S. Don't tell anyone, and place the letter back where you found it. If things get too complicated, ask the Puzzle Gnome.

Denis stared at the letter for a moment and then looked up at Chris. He then looked at the little girl and the lumberjack man. Sarah moved from behind Chris and the girl in the white dress looked relieved and stretched out her hands as if in a motion for a hug.

“Thank gods, I found you!” Sarah smiled shyly and then walked forward to within distance of the girl's outstretched hands and placed her own in the girl's. “My name is Amantha. It is a pleasure to finally meet you.” Amantha squeezed Sarah's hands happily.

Denis stammered. “Portal?”

Everyone ignored him.

“My name is Sarah and this is my older brother Chris.” Chris nodded his head and smiled as well.

Amantha pointed to the large lumberjack man behind her and said, “This oaf is named Gavon.”

Gavon frowned, “Would it kill you to give me a proper introduction at one time in your life?”

Amantha rolled her eyes, something that Denis thought that he would never see in a girl who was as poised as she was. “Fine then,” said Amantha, “Gavon Thorson.” Gavon smiled and his chest puffed up even more than it already was.

“Pleasure to meet you Lady.” Gavon bowed to Sarah and she blushed.

Denis tried to interject once more. “Portal? That thing is a portal?” Even though he said it louder, no one still paid any attention to him.

Chris moved around his sister and then spoke directly to Amantha. “I trust it then that we got here on time?”

Amantha nodded her head. “Yes, you made it on time, so I can assume that you got my message.” Chris nodded his head in a rather enthusiastic way. Sarah continued to smile.

“I think then we are all ready to go then?” Amantha smiled and began to move back towards the mystery section when Denis interjected.

“Wait now. First I hear there is a portal here and now I am expected to let you just take these kids to God knows where?”

Amantha shook her head and said, “Gods.” Denis looked at her with confusion.


Amantha frowned and said, “You said 'god knows where'. That is incorrect, it is supposed to be gods, not God.”

Denis felt his eye twitch before he began to get mad. “No, I refuse. I won't let you take these children with you. I have duty and a responsibility to make sure that my customers are taken care of and you most certainly are not allowing for that to happen.” Denis stomped his foot down and he watched as Amantha rolled her eyes.

“This is hardly the case. I am simply here to collect the next Lady of the Glass. Would you kindly stay out of it?”

“Here here, let the Lady do as she wishes. It hardly has anything to do with you.” Gavon finished talking with a large nod of his head at the end.

Chris moved forward and patted Denis on the shoulder. “It's fine. Don't worry about it. We will be out of your hair momentarily.”

“This is to much,” Denis looked back at the note and then scrunched up his face as he read the post script. What the hell was a puzzle gnome?

Denis frowned and then looked at the wall where the hanging was. "I have a portal that functions in my store now, a pair of random people who are from Canada, without accents I might add," he paused to shake his head. Amantha raised her hand in order to get attention.

"I never said that we were from Canada here, we are from a different Canada." She stated her fact as if it was the real truth and nothing else mattered.

"A different Canada?" Chris looked at them as if the idea truly fascinated him.

Gavon frowned. "It's not just Canada that is different," he looked over at Amantha who frowned and then she shook her head.

Sarah looked forward and then waved her hand. "I think it's my turn?"

They all looked to the small girl and then Amantha smiled and said, "Yes, you are quite right. Let's get started then shall we?"

Thursday, February 3, 2011

It's Thursday! Update Time!

So I am trying really hard to keep up with the schedule that I gave myself and am trying really hard to keep up with it. Seriously I am. I now have a new job that allows me to write a lot more than I originally did in my old job. It also allows me a lot more time to do such things. Granted, I am not always going to be at home when I write and sometimes, I will admit, I do feel a little lazy, but I will strive to show that I can make the deadlines that I give to myself.

However, I will note something rather ridiculous in my own way. A fellow reader pointed out to me that part of Amaretto's Tale is missing! In an effort to make sure that everyone can read it, I am going to put up some redux posts. These posts will be labeled in the Archive and I am also going to put up links here within this post as soon as I am done. So wish me luck!

UPDATE!! Febuary 4th, 2011

So I have the new Grain Redux posts to place here. Before you ask, there is no Grain 11... the reason why is because the original Grain 11 was actually a drawn post. Since I cannot find the original drawing, I am hunting it down, but in the meantime:

Grain Redux 1

Grain Redux 2

Grain Redux 3

Grain Redux 4

Grain Redux 5

Grain Redux 6

Grain Redux 7

Grain Redux 8

Grain Redux 9

Grain Redux 10

Grain Redux 12

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Noir... Hardboiled.

I love Noir. Deep, dark, nitty-gritty storyline. The ones that make you jump and the ones that make you seem like you know what is going on, only to find out that you don't. The whole thing is twisted around and you feel like this is the last shot that you have before something bigger happens.

Originally it was called Hardboiled, and it was known as a literary style, most commonly associated with detective stories. However, it was even more distinguished by the unsentimental portrayal of violence and sex, and do I mean a lot of violence and sex. Originally it was published in Pulp magazines. It was where the Maltese Falcon was published for the first time. Noir was a sub-genre where the protagonist is usually not a detective, but instead either a victim, a suspect, or a perpetrator. They were someone tied directly to the crime, not an outsider called to solve or fix the situation. Other common characteristics were the emphasis on sexual relationships and the use of sex to advance the plot and the self-destructive qualities of the lead characters.

However, Noir is a dying breed. Now I don't mean that in a bad way, nor in a good way. After all, Noir is probably what makes the current craze of Urban fiction so popular. Noir is the basis of the new Urban Fiction line of books. All those authors out there, from Jim Butcher (Dresden Files) and Laurell K. Hamilton (Anita Blake, Vampire Hunter Books) to Lilith Saintcrow (Jill Kistmit, Hunter Books) and even Sergei Lukyanenko (The Night Watch Series), all of these series involve the supernatural and the same kind of Noir type writing style. They are fantastic.

However, I must insist that someone else has also thought of this as well. I now point you to one of my favorite sites, io9, to an article that they too have on this very same matter and insist that you read it and familiarize yourself with their point of view as well as with the Manifesto that was written to this extent.

The Link is here...

Please read it and see what I also see in this and make some comments!