Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Fantasy Reboot

I love reading short stories. I really do. I like to quickly, just for a shot while, to be transported to another world. Everyone likes to be in another world for just a short while and it is that short while that makes short stories a little hard to master. One has to be able to mesh characters and a strange new world that is believable and then make a small story out of a small problem that could be a big problem. It also has to keep your attention. One of the best places to see this is in small magazines and webzines.

One of my favorite magazines is called simply put, "Fantasy Magazine". For a while there, the magazine seemed to be floundering. Well, lucky for us, just recently, they got a whole new Editor, a personal favorite of mine, John Joseph Adams.

Head on over to my website of choice (io9) and see a partial bit of the interview that they did with him.

Clickies here!

Also, when you are done, why no t head over to the website and see what you can see there as well?

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