Sunday, January 14, 2007

Musical Notations and Notes

All right. Aside from the normal typing, a writer always has something that affects them, be it a specific place to write, to music that they listen to, to things that they eat and drink or the way they interact with their surroundings in order to form a more perfect writing experience. I would like to discuss how music affects us when we are wrtiing and tell you some of the music that I have been listeing to as I write. Beleive it or not, I have a lot of music that is international in its simplicity. I find that international music makes the difference for me. I listen to a popular jpop singer who goes by BoA. Actually, that is her first name, Boa Kwon. She is actually originally Korean, but she crossed over to Japan. One song that everyone seemed to like was "Don't' start Now" and one of my favorites "Valenti". It's upbeat tones seems to have me make the words fly off the computer.

Game music also seems to affect me. Sometimes I find myself listening to music from the popular videogame eries "Final Fantasy" especially the new ones. They are
all written by the popular composer Nobuo Uematsu I swear that the man is a genius. I love his style and the way some of his music actually seems to transport me as well as the myriad of styles that he uses.

Sometimes though, I also like to simply turn the TV on and let it play in the background, because if typing at home, one does not get enough background noise and hte house becomes creapily silent at times and is really bad. I'm sure that we are all laughing at the person who is afraid of silence, but it's true. I find it creapy and jsut cannot produce work.

I have a friend who recently (about a year ago), moved to Seattle. The reason she moved was because of the rain. It appeared that she could only write when it was raining outside. As you can see, even the weather can affect us. Perhaps later I will write down the list of music that has benn the most inspirational to me as I was writing this and other works.

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