Sunday, January 21, 2007

Online Portfolio

So I went online to look around for a freelance writing gig. I was on when I found a link called Freelance Portfolios. I walked around the site for a little while and then added in a portfolio of my own. It can't hurt. After I submitted said portfolio I was given this message:

Congratulations! You successfully submitted your portfolio. Please allow 4-5 days for us to approve your portfolio unless you chose "24-hour Approval." Once we approve your portfolio, you will receive an e-mail.

Say that one again? Did you say the words "approval"? I need to have you approve my portfolio? That could possibly explain why there are only 1776 registered users and out of those, only 332 portfolios on the site. After all, we don't want to have just any old person getting their portfolio online.

It is small things like these that make me wonder what it is that we are so worried about. There are other sites where one can place their workk online, one such popular place being DeviantArt. Here people place their artwork online, be it illustration, photographic, or prose of some sort. There, people can buy an account for extra options, but it is not necesarry in order to post your work on it. There is many of these sites around. I will keep you informed as to what this site leads to. Stick around. It should be amusing to see what they will allow for.

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