Sunday, January 2, 2011

New Years and Resolutions


I think, this is the first time, in a long time, where I have actually gotten to write here within a major holiday. It is a totally New Year and this year, I should resolve to do new things, make new things, be new things, and understand new things. Now, that is what everyone resolves to do, but I am here to tell you that I will do it!

Okay, I will try to do it. Far be it that I go back on sioethign I said. It is always better to be late than to never have arrived at all. So this year, I have a new outlook on Amaretto's tale. Last year was a little bit of a hardship considering that I did not have a computer the majority of time and my then current job (which I have since moved on from) did not allow me the time. No matter when I tried, I was always simply exhausted. It did not help that I worked in a book store and that I was no longer enjoying reading anymore. I was always reading tripe too. I have to admit, I read a lot of young adult books though and I have a feeling that it will inflict itself upon some of my writing in the near future. DO NOT FRET... Amaretto's tale is suposed to be an ever changing idea.

Still, I now have a new computer and a much more manageble job. I also have a new thing to RED ROOM, a fantastic Author Blogging site that I will be also using to my advantage. It looks like a really fun site I have to admit.

As per the norm, I now have a Page set up in Facebook, go become a fan if you like. It makes it easier to keep up with all the blogs and stuff that I am doing at the same time.

Now for soem bad news. The Pernishia blog may stop within teh coming year due to one of the players no longer coming to game. I am not sure what will happen, but our Dwarven Fighter will be moving onto boot camp. He actually goes in Febuary, but he will be assigned to his location afterwards in August. Still I will try to continue it was much as possible without him while he is gone, but August could be the end of the Pernishia Blog in the meantime.

More good news: In the year of 2011, it shall be known as the year of tags and labels! I shall endevor to try to label everything in each blog in an effort to make it better. It is going to mean a lot of tags, but it should make everything easier to find.

There are some more things that I am also resoluting as well besides write more, eat better, lost 10 lbs., fight world hunger... that sort of thing however, shall be kept to the side lines. Perhaps this year I may even manage to finish everything else...

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