Thursday, January 27, 2011

A Terrifying Vision?

So I was wandering my favorite News sites when I came across this link:

Good Heavens

It gave me the giggles I must admit. No net neutrality and e-publishing dominating the world. I can see it now, a world much like Minority Report and The Fifth Element all smashed up: awesome clothes and no hiding from anything you could do. Imagine, You go to write something, much like a satire and BOOM! the police come crashing in though the roof and arresting you because your satire was going to be written on a piece of paper and you were not going to publish the satire, but try to self publish it.


I know it sounds ridiculous, but it made a funny picture in my head. Seriously. I totally mean it.

Of course that was only after reading what Cheryl Morgan had to say on it. I have to say though, some of the other people there also have valid points, but still, totally give it a look-see. Its amazing.

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